A place to humbly discribe, discuss and develope the mastery of Mothering. Using God's timeless strokes of wisdom and creativity to help us who come together here, establish our own motherhood's into miraculous works of Art! Wow! may God help us!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Words, the strokes of our brush!
My husband Horace Leister and our daughter Jessice Leister Movius!
Another form of artistry I have always enjoyed is the art of words.
Our eldest daughter Jessica helped mold this love in me! She took my passion for words and ran with it! Reading one of her favorite books, the dictionary as a small girl,she would try all the teasures she found out on us her family! Teaching us the proper pronounciations & definitions!
Jess, you defined my motherhood by being our 1st born and you continue to strech & clarify my life with the quality of yours! Thank you, I love you!
I learnt to read at age 6 or 7! Words captured me and I became a instant reader! I was and always have been captivated by their ability to do likewise for the writer what the empty white canvas does for the painter! An unrestrainable thrill of creation!
We learn by sight and sound 26 symbols referred to as vowels & consonants! Placing these together in a plethora ( this just means " a lot " but it is fun to read, isn't it?) of ways, you can form every word in the English language!
With these words we put the brush to the canvas and out leaps the literature that empowers our minds to transport us anywhere, be anyone and do anything! An unending source of adventure and fulfillment, for me anyway!
Words can be as definitive as a quick tiny stroke of yellow, representing a single Lilly in a massive field of color exaggerated flowers or as broad as the slow deliberate strokes of red/orange that spread themselves across the width of our canvas producing an illusion of the sun just lost behind the ridge!
I truly did read the Bible at age 9! I was compelled! I had just spent the entire summer of my 3rd grade year, memorizing portions of it!
Sunday School was not a place I got to often but when I did, they were always reading the Bible! I just had to have a copy of that beautiful Black Leather bound text and read what all the fuss was about!
A Baptist Church was offering just such a opportunity, so I joined the group of children that came together to learn and earn such a prize! At the end of the summer, we would each present our memorization's before the congregation and receive, what I was coveting most, at that time, a book called the Bible!
The amazing part of this story is, I got sick at the end of the summer, real sick! I had my tonsils removed and spent a couple weeks in bed! I could not stand up with the rest of the children and recite, there for completing my task to earn my Bible. Do You know what I found out?
God wanted me to have that Bible too! Our Sunday School Teacher brought it to me anyway! It opened the Kingdom of God and began for me a unprecedented life journey! It has taken me years but I have found out what all the fuss is about! Have you?
God led men to write, that word’s are capable of bringing life or death! Proverbs 18:21
He used them to create the world and everything in it, “ then God said “, Genesis1:3
Also inspired, the Apostle John wrote about Jesus, relating to Him as the WORD! John 1:1
Spoken or written, words are pretty powerful artistic tools, if you ask me!
When mothering we need to use words carefully, tempered with Godly wisdom! Our efforts are labors of love applied to living masterpieces, first envisioned in the mother heart of Father God!
When dipping our brushes for the next stroke, we want to make sure it is 1st soaked in oil, provided by God's precious Holy Spirit, a dry brush does not draw paint well and may damage our canvas.
How is it looking?
Loving the Father! Phyllis Leister
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