Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Source

Luken & his Grandma Phyllis!

Did you know, one of the descriptive definitions for “Mother” is “ source” ?

I love to pick a word and chase it down for it’s total meaning by finding the source or root!
In this way I discover many methods in expressing it, until the word bursts forth visually, doesn’t everyone?

Your thinking “this women has to much extra time on her hands!” Actually no, I do not have any extra time on my hands! I live in a house with 12 other people 9 of whom are between the age of 9 months and 3 years! Where hot water comes from a kettle on the stove and dinner prep begins 2 to 3 hrs before serving, all of which I love!
As for the time needed for this blog, I believe,God given passion always finds a way!

" El Shaddai ", this name for God, literally meaning the " breasted one "! Signifying God as our unlimited source of Blessing!

I believe this name depicts what we have been looking at, as the mother heart of God !

In this picture I am holding our newest grandson, Luken, one of the 1st times I was privileged to do so.
Luken is the son of our eldest daughter, Jessica and her husband Jeremy. He was born in June, 2 months prior to our visit home in 2009.

I was not there for his birth, that was a tough one for this mom and grandmother!

Each time I look at this picture I can still feel the baby warmth of him! His body drawn up precisely to receive the maximum contact with mine! At this moment I am his total source, what an honor!

My mother’s heart yearns to hold each of my children & grandchildren like this at any given time of everyday no matter how old they are or what their need is! I believe God’s heart also has these yearnings!

Matthew 23:37 " O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing." NIV

All art represents the source of the artistic ability in the artist! To create more than a work of art there must be a unique artistic source to draw from, a source that brings life!

Every painter, writer, sculptor, photographer exc. craves for this kind of life source to be part of their artistic process.

With out it, their art will be nothing but substance! It might even be great substance but what they desire, what they long for is supernatural, a Masterpiece! Because only then will their work live forever in the minds of men and change the world, making them an Artist!

Father God the supreme Artist sent His only son, the ultimate Masterpiece, Jesus, to represent Him. (John 3:16! ) " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!" NkJ

Mothers, let us climb up into the arms of El Shaddai, drawing on Him as our unlimited source, representing Him, as we access the supernatural life that will define our works of art as Masterpieces! (Our art being motherhood and ultimately our children and their's!)

Thank you Heavenly Father that you give us, your children, unlimited entry to your open Heavens and Your Heart!
Loving the Father, Phyllis Leister

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